We offer three types of seminars
Knife Defense and Tactical Solutions
- Knife to knife combat.
- Translation of knife combat to realities of street armed confrontation (either side can be armed).
- Empty hand solutions based on knife combat experience.
- Defense with improvised weapons and tactical baton.
- Extreme Close Quarters with and without a blade.
- Teaching the mentality of knife assault to gain understanding of knife defense.
- Multiple opponents scenarios (the defender armed, unarmed).

Short weapons
A short weapons seminar may include and cover the following: knife, machete, tactical baton, Improvised weapons (kubotan, umbrella, magazine) and empty hand defense against bladed weapons.
Knife to knife combat . All range fighting Machete (bolo) to machete combat.
Tactical baton on knife (including multiple opponents). Improvised weapons defense (including multiple opponents).

Traditional weapons
Sword (Katana or Longsword), staff (Jo or Bo) and spear/Polearm (Yari or Naginata).
The approach to combat with these weapons is that of complete realism, which means combat proven.
Seminar Videos
Short weapon fighting seminar, Russia.
Improvised weapons seminar, France.
Multiple opponents seminar, France.
Knife fighting seminar, Netherlands.
Hosting a seminar
Seminars can be exclusive events for one’s organization or they can be open to the public, it depends on the host. Hosting can be done by you and you organization or a joint effort in which two or more entities collaborate.
Seminar format
Seminars are usually done in a two-day event format with a total of 12 to 16 hours of training.
Other formats are available.
Costs and terms:
The cost is 1500€ (introductory seminar) + Airfare, food, and lodging (usually for three nights). Lodging can be a hotel or an alternative type of accommodation preferable to the host.
The host will pay for the flight ticket in advance and the seminar fee upon completion of the seminar.
Spain, Madrid ACT SWIC1 & SWIC3 Instructor Course and Open Seminar
Location: Spain, Calle Doñana, 7, 28924 Alcorcón
Dates: APR 29 AT 6 PM – MAY 1 AT 7 PM UTC+03
Agenda: SWIC 1, SWIC 3 and Open Seminar
Host: Jose Rivera
Teaching : Alexander Zhelezniak
More Info: Event Page on Facebook