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  1. Tuition is monthly and covers four weekly 1 hour long sessions (160$). Payment is to be received within the first seven days of the month.
  2. Completion of the introductory course is by no means to be understood as instructor certification or endorsement by us of the student’s right to teach our material officially.
  3. Students completing this course are not registered with us and are not listed on our instructors page. Completion of the introductory course will equip you with a solid foundation both practical and conceptual, of our systems approach to armed combat in all weapon categories (Short, Long, Bladed, Impact and Improvised). You will have an understanding of how we in ACT approach tactical and technical analysis of what works in combat supported by exclusive footage from our training and fighting. You will have earned the right to join/(admission to) the instructor certification program with accreditation of the material learned so far.
  4. When teaching any drills, techniques or concepts you are obliged to give due credit to the source of this knowledge and proper attribution of it. You are not authorized to teach it as your own or under any other name. You are not to change names of drills and techniques of the system while teaching them.
  5. Until you have become a certefied A.C.T. instructor you are required to obtain premission from us before presentning any A.C.T. video footage of drills and concepts.
  6. You are welcome to teach to others what you have learned in the course while clearly stating that you are not a certified instructor in the system. This program is only an introduction to the system and does not replace the need to complete an instructor certification program, to proficiently teach our system you must be a certified instructor.
  7. In addition to taking online lessons with A.C.T. senior instructores, you are expected to train solo and with a training partner weekly for maximum effect of the next lesson which builds on practical knowledge acquired in the previous week and personal training.
  8. Opting to leave the program will terminate it for the coming month, there will be no reimbursement for partial completion of the monthly lesson set during which notification of termination of the course was received by us.