A.C.T.  Short weapon seminar in  St.Petersburg

Got back from St.Petersburg seminar.
What an awesome experience. These guys are top notch , good fighters, the progress was formidable. It is when they hard press you in combat that you understand the amount of time , passion and effort they put in training.
We covered knife and machete, Sword and Staff.
Full contact bouts , of course!
We were very glad to have participants from different knife fighting schools, big honor.
To the organizers and ACT instructors in St.Petersburg, Russia – Alex Minigalin and Mikhail Vatolin, big thanks guys. Great event , wonderful students you have.
To the participants, thank you for your fighting spirit, and will to learn and the challenge of teaching you in depth aspects of ACT fighting principles.
Hope to see you all soon!


Alexander Zhelezniak

St. Petersburg 2014 Machete
St. Petersburg 2014 sword

St. Petersburg 2014 Staff
St. Petersburg 2014 Knife