We are proud to and honored to have Marc Fesler and his team Hagana Azmit as official partners in France. Marc introduced ACT to the French Krav Maga community in 2011 and we have worked with Hagana Azmit for several years since. Well it is being made official and that is a great way to kick off 2016!Hagana Azmit is an international Krav Maga school with basis in France and Israel and it is a... read more
short and long weapons seminar, Archangelsk, Russia. Back from Russia. 2-nd time in Arkhangelsk. 35 fighters. Man, Russians are relentless. Hours upon hours of sparring. Oh , yeah , sure, there was instruction, but you’d think they will take your word for it …Nope. Prove it. Fight as you Teach …or shut up. Nothing is taken for granted , all is tested through combat. For which... read more